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Paper-like Screen

Utilizing a new high-resolution display technology called electronic paper, Kindle provides a crisp black-and-white screen that resembles the appearance and readability of printed paper.

The screen works using ink, just like books and newspapers, but displays the ink particles electronically.

It reflects light like ordinary paper and uses no backlighting, eliminating the glare associated with other electronic displays.

As a result, Kindle can be read as easily in bright sunlight as in your living room.

The screen never gets hot so you can comfortably read as long as you like.

See what others are saying about the Kindle screen:

James Patterson, author of You've Been Warned, "The screen is fabulous. You would expect that, with a screen, there would be a glare, it would be hard to read but it's not. There’s no glare. It's not backlit, which is kind of magical. I think people are going to be very, very surprised and delighted. This is a lot easier to read than a lot of books are these days."

Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball, "I'm telling you, after five minutes I've ceased to think I'm looking at a screen. It's not like reading a computer screen. It's more like reading a piece of paper. I think it's actually clearer, easier on the eye than the printed word."

Neil Gaiman, author of Stardust, "It's like paper and it’s very interesting. It’s very, very crisp. Very functional. Very readable."

No need to wake a sleeping baby
when your "book" is always handy.

I bought the Kindle and took it with me to Bhutan the next day.
Worked flawlessly.
Here is our Bhutanese tour guide, Ugin Thien,
improving her English with the Kindle.

Photo courtesy Chan Lieu.